Bug Fixes
Creating a Separator in MO2
- Right-click the empty space in the left pane of MO2 and select Create separator.
- Name the separator Bug Fixes.
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - UFO4P
Fixes thousands of bugs with both the base game and DLCs.Installation instructions
- Main Files - Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - UFO4P
Ownership Fixes
Fixes incorrect or missing ownership data assigned to junk and containers.Installation instructions
- Main Files - Ownership Fixes
Community Fixes Merged
A collection of fixes made by the community over the years with open permissions.Installation instructions
- Main Files - Community Fixes Merged
The Midnight Ride - Glitchfinder All-In-One
A small collection of fixes.Installation instructions
- Main Files - The Midnight Ride - Glitchfinder All-In-One
Misc Anim Tweaks and Fixes
Small animation tweaks and fixes.Installation instructions
- Main Files - Misc anim tweaks and fixes
Weapon Mod Fixes
Fixes a number of bugs in weapon modifications.Installation instructions
- Main Files - Weapon Mod Fixes
- You will be prompted with a FOMOD installer:
- Install
- Community Fixes Merged - Weapon Mod Fixes Patch
Buffout 4 NG with PDB support
Fixes engine bugs and adds a crash logger.Installation instructions
- Main Files - Buffout4 NG
Sprint Stuttering Fix
Fixes camera stutter when sprinting on uneven surfaces.Installation instructions
- Main Files - Sprint Stuttering Fix 1.2
Just like before, the direct link to an older version is intentional to grant compatibility with the downgraded EXE.
General Atomics Galleria Speaking Guard Gutsy Voice Fix
Fixes the silent Guard Gutsy robots at General Atomics Galleria.Installation instructions
- Main Files - General Atomics Gutsy Guards Voice Fix
- GA Galleria Gutsy Voice Fix - UFO4P Patch
Hostile NPC Respawn Fix - F4SE - Garden of Eden SE
Fixes a few issues that prevent hostile NPCs from respawning after a while.Installation instructions
- Main Files - Hostile NPC Respawn Fix ESL
Companion Jump Fall Pose Fix - F4SE - Garden of Eden SE
Fixes the "companions stuck in falling pose" bug.Installation instructions
- Main Files - Companion Jump Fall Pose Fix (ESL version)
Companion Shoots At Player Fix - F4SE
Fixes a bug which causes companions to shoot at the player during or shortly after combat.Installation instructions
- Main Files - Companion Shoots At Player Fix
Empty Vendor List Bug Fix - F4SE
Fixes an engine bug that can cause vendors' item list to be empty.Installation instructions
- Main Files - Empty Vendor List Engine Bug Fix
Magic Effect and Spell Engine Fixes - F4SE
Fixes a few engine bugs that affect Spells, Inventory Item Enhancements and Perks on NPCs.Installation instructions
- Main Files - Magic Effect and Spell Engine Fixes
Facial Expression and Eyetracking Engine Fixes - F4SE
Fixes various facial expression and eyetracking engine bugs.Installation instructions
- Main Files - Facial Expr. and Eyetr. Engine Fixes
- Once the mod has been installed, double-click it in the left pane of MO2.
- In the INI-Files tab, open F4SE/Plugins/FacialExpressionAndEyeTrackingEngineFixes.ini
- Change the following option:
- Set bBrownFace to 1 (line 5).
Armor Penetration Bug Fix - F4SE
Prevents incorrect stat overwriting when unequipping or changing weapons.Installation instructions
- Main Files - Armor Penetration Bug Fix - F4SE
Weapon Behavior Ironsights movement direction lock fixes and tweaks (3rd person)
Fixes movement direction locks, moving in wrong direction and other junk related to input in third person.Installation instructions
- Main Files - Fixed Vanilla Sighted Additive Animations
- Main Files - Main File
Melee Sneak Locomotion Animation Blending Fix (Behavior Edit)
Adds blending to the 3rd-person melee sneak animations.Installation instructions
- Main Files - Main file
Wetness Shader Fix
Fixes the exaggerated shine of specific objects while it's raining.Installation instructions
- Main Files - Wetness Shader Fix
Fixed Gobo Effects
Fixes artifacts, pixelation, and color banding in textures that are used for special light effects.Installation instructions
- Main Files - Fixed Gobo Effects
Flutter Flicker Fixer For Foliage
Fixes the flickering foliage.Installation instructions
- Main Files - Flutter Flicker Fixer For Foliage
- You will be prompted with a FOMOD installer:
- Archived
- PRP 74.6 or later
- Install
Previsibines Repair Pack
Greatly improves FPS throughout the entire game, including interior cells. Also includes many placement or mesh fixes not possible without regenerating previsibines.Installation instructions
- Main Files - PRP Plugins NG
- You will be prompted with a FOMOD installer:
- Next
- Install
- Main Files - PRP Resources
Not installing the PRP Resources file will lead to crashing, make sure both files are installed!
No Puddle Cubemaps TMR
Removes cubemapping from water and blood puddles to avoid the jarring reflections when moving around them.Installation instructions
- Main Files - No Puddle Cubemaps TMR
Weapon Debris Crash Fix
Fixes the PhysX weapon debris crashing disabling debris collision.Installation instructions
- Main Files - Weapon Debris Crash Fix 1.2
Only Nvidia's Turing graphics cards or newer require this fix (this includes the 16 series). You can skip it if you didn't enable the feature in Bethini Pie earlier.
Minor Fixes
These fixes are less important than the rest and not required in any way, their presence in the main list would just lengthen the guide for everyone. You can choose to skip any of them.
NPC Drinking Fix
Fixes the missing sounds and facial animations of drinking NPCs.Installation instructions
- Main Files - NPC Drinking Fix
Extended Fake Interiors - Commonwealth buildings fixes
Fixes various roofs to properly cover you from the rain.Installation instructions
- Main Files - Extended Fake Interior
- Main Files - Extended Fake Interior DLC
- Optional Files - Extended Fake Interior - CC Enclave Remnants Patch
Moon Rotation Fix
Fixes the moon's alignment with the camera.Installation instructions
- Main Files - Moon Rotation Fix 1.0.0
Midnight Cult Fix
Fixes a weird settler AI problem unique to extra large settlements.Installation instructions
- Main Files - Midnight Cult Fix
Hair Specular Map Removal Thingy
Fixes glowing hair when under certain lighting.Installation instructions
- Main Files - Hair Specular Map Removal Thingy